The Seekers Pain Centre specializes in treating people with chronic pain. Our specific focus is on pain disorders associated with traumatic injuries. These include muscle, ligament, tendon and joint problems related to chronic whiplash injury, as well as post-concussion syndrome and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that commonly occur with these injuries.
Our goal is to reduce symptoms, improve wellness and provide an exceptional healing experience. Our personalized, intensive treatment programs combine medications, injections, blood tests, diagnostic imaging, specialist referrals, mind-body medicine, psychological treatment, nutrition and lifestyle counseling and a number of innovative treatments that come from leading pain management clinics from around the world. Our medical team is composed of doctors, nurses and specialized therapists and practitioners.
What makes us unique:
- Our treatment plans are developed by medical doctors with knowledge and experience in the treatment of chronic pain. Our team of medical doctors and specialized therapists are constantly working together to provide excellent multidisciplinary service.
- We are the only pain management facility in Eastern Ontario that has developed a specialized program for treating chronic pain that includes nutrition, mind-body healing and other principles of integrative medicine.
- We have specialized staff members with extensive experience in dealing with insurance claims. They are highly capable of navigating the insurance industry, and the medical-legal issues that can affect a person’s life in the months and years that follow an injury.