Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is system of medicine whose roots date back over 5000 years. The fully developed system that we see in use today was complete about 2500 years ago.

TCM takes a holistic view of the body as an integrated series of systems. Whenever one of those systems becomes unbalanced – whether due to overuse, poor diet, stress, emotions, or other triggers – the whole body becomes unbalanced. This imbalance presents itself through symptoms such as pain, irritation, and
inflammation, among others.

TCM holds the view that that, along with its physical substances, the body contains a motivating force called Qi (pronounced chee). This force is an energy flowing through all the systems of the body. Through manipulations of the body, TCM practitioners can unblock, direct, and boost this energy to restore health and balance. There are many different methods to helping get the body back in balance, including acupuncture, Chinese herbs, physical manipulation such as massage and stretching, and glass suction cups, which work similarly to a message but with the pressure pulling up rather than pushing down.

TCM is a primary form of health care and can be used to treat a wide range of chronic illnesses. It is especially helpful for treating chronic and acute pain, digestive and bowel disorders, skin conditions, fertility and menstrual issues, emotional disorders, and sleep and low energy issues.


The Equilibrio System

Equilibrio is a unique system of care rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine and developed by Allan Fradsham and Antonio Pirello from years of clinical experience.

The Equilibrio system is based on the four pillars of health: diet, exercise, rest, and good medicine. It combines the best acupuncture techniques with a variety of other alternative therapies to create a complete, personalized system of health care designed to support optimal health.

Equilibrio can be used on its own, or as part of a SeekersCare treatment plan.